WGAN-TV The Future of Google Street View with Charles Armstrong

– Hi, I'm Dan Smigrod, I'm the founder of the We Get Around Network Forum, today is Thursday, May 31, 2018, and we just finished day two of the 2018 Google Street
View Summit.With me, hey Charles, good to see you again.
– Pleasure.
– Charles Armstrong is Product Manager of Google Street View.
– That's right.
– What an amazing conference.
– Thanks.
– Two full days, reallyexhilarating and exciting, we've been in the moment aboutGoogle Street View today, but what does the next ten years look like for Google Street View? – Well, it was an honorto have Ray Kurzweil speak yesterday, he's quite the visionary.
Seems to really have a good understanding of the pace at which society is advancing.
And I walked away withthree pillars of advancement that are likely to convergein the next five to ten years.
One is the ability toscan the world's surface at a very high degree of fidelity.
The second is the abilityto analyze that data in a way that gives usa semantic understanding that can really be then cross referenced with our own personalinteractions in the world.
And the third then is tobe able to represent that in new, augmented ways, that really interact much more intimately withour own sensory perception, so it's a lot of augmented reality, and high accuracyunderstanding of the world, but the combination of these things and machine learning coming together are going to be transformative.
I am convinced that thenext five to ten years will see us interacting with the world in pretty profound new ways.
– Well I think one of my take aways of hearing Ray talk is abouthow technology is progressing at an exponential rate, not at a linear rate.
Do you wanna may be commentof how that exponential ties back to those three things? – So we're seeing, we'reseeing these advancements in the camera technologiesimproving across pixels and resolution, we'reseeing greater pose confidence and geometry reconstruction, and a better semantic interpretation of things like storefronts, and readingsigns, and understanding the spirit of what they standfor, that's pretty profound.
Machine learning is making this all happen at a pace that is fairly un-intuitive for the human mind towrap our heads around.
As Ray explained yesterday, we can't help but project into the future in a very linear capacity, it's how our brains are wired.
But that's not what's happening.
If you look back 25 years, that period of progress is much more profound in termsof what we've accomplished compared to the century before it, and the next ten years, we'll accomplish more than the previous 25.
Wrapping your heads around that means you've really gotta start to predict in a very unnatural way, how these technologies will converge, how theseadvancements in cameras and machine learningand sensory adaptation can be leveraged and will be leveraged, whether we're ready for it or not, there will be advancementsthat will bring that to us.
And so it's exciting to discuss with these very influential peopleat the Street View summit what we can do to be ready for that.
– I think I got a littletaste of the future for me, when driving in an Ubercar, that the street view announced to the driver toturn right after McDonald's, and I hadn't heard that before in Atlanta, and that to me was theartificial intelligence, how to tease out of that imagery, that that's a McDonald's andthe next part is to turn.
And I think that was the beginning of this exponential growth, when you talked about the quality of the imagerygrowing exponentially and that the semantics thatthe artificial intelligence apply to that image— That's the magic.
– It's the magic, growing exponentially.
– So today it says turnright at McDonald's, it understands that that's avery familiar construct to you.
But in a few years, it'll say things like, you might wanna pull over here, they've got the Happy Meal prize that your daughter really likes, and you know, while you're at it, keep in mind that you'veearned the bonus bucks, or you have the couponthat your aunt gave you, you might as well use it.
I don't know why we'repicking on McDonald's here but that greater and deeperunderstanding is possible again when you compare that personal graph and the social graph, and you can only do that when you have an intimateunderstanding of both.
– Yeah, so very exciting, thank you for sharing that Charles, it's good to see you.
I'm Dan Smigrod, founder of theWe Get Around Network forum, reporting for WGAN-TV, in San Francisco.
Charles, time to head to the after party.
– Sounds good, thanks.
– Good to see you.
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