Comedy Short: Leading Lady Parts – BBC

[Applause] hi you must be Amelia Stacy Felicity for the lady part of Laurens reading for the leading lady part I'm Gemma and what did you think of it the part what I
loved it it's just a great part I think she's great how do you see her shewas feisty feisty she's bold she's the one calling the shots she's I think she's pretty thank God clever she's she's pretty clever that's not what you're going for well no no levers not really something we don't all care about at all actually you do realize this is the
leading lady car you ever read it's what I've always wanted a chance to speak all right thank you I'm not sure that's quite what we're off to really do it again but just this time try it a bit more smiley you want me to smile yeah just you
know more leading lady the scene gets quite tragic so I sort of thought she were crying crying she could cry mmm but not like ugly cry more like sensual sexy crying like a shower shower of crying and smiling think of the poster so I've always wanted the chances
and let's stop you there do it again only this time could you try it with a bit more makeup I'm sorry she's our leading lady she's got to be peachy if you could just it's all like maybe lose the jumper sorry the jumper and a shirt that the
shop why and the rest of it was that really necessary it's the character which she's a doctor yes and it's very hot in the hospital in South London Natalie it says here that it's November the heating's broken NHS cuts and she's trying to operate but all this stuff
keeps getting in the way her clothes yes her clothes could we just [Applause] that's what I'd always wanted the child no that was fine I mean fine but could you just be a bit thinner thinner yeah we really saw her didn't act wiglet like a twiglet yeah you
know feminine vulnerable delicate and thin but with a great rack what stick thing with boobs and here but not big hips no not you know baby bear sorry I don't get it I what are you asking me to it's not rocket science darling we're just asking you to
be thin and curvy sexy and innocence so which both you know sexy virgin thin sexy hook a virgin with boobs and hips but not big ones she's never had sex but she's all about sex she definitely wants it oh she wants it we're not in my yachting much
but a bit yeah like a lot a bit just you know leading lady [Applause] it's okay stop there is everything right yeah could you just be a bit more white hi I'm Lena it's really nice of you no sorry we're after leading ladies not leading ladies mum yeah
I am a leading lady I know I am a leading lady no no yes I am nope mum have you seen my IMDB yeah you're a mum yeah I played some mums mom I played a kick-ass mom kick-ass mum still a mum but your whole mum mum I
can't hear you next oh thank god oh I'm gagging for a coffee three skinny cappuccinos do you want yours extra home oh I'm I'm actually here to read what I'm here to audition for the leading lady don't get it she seems to think she's leading lady you're vicious
look it's not that kind of film darling and what kind of film is that I know what's happened you've been sent to the wrong room they're auditioning for that other film what is it no panda returns that's it that's in the next suite no I'm not here to
audition for Black Panther returns I'm here to audition for your film are you really not gonna let me read wait if your pasty Starbucks on the way out what are we gonna do yeah first ones big Instagram yeah she's me I don't think you know I just don't
think we found the one No hey is that it is that everyone afraid so do you think what actually I'd quite like to read I'm just starting I look at my face sorry I think someone else just turned up let me check oh hello hi I'm Tom and
I'm here to read the leading lady I'm just gonna stop you there you've got the part great hi yeah yeah it was always how to tell his nipper I think I did all right yeah I'm really shocked I was insecure yes I was frightened to be myself seemed
like a distant dream lost in the crowd closed the curtains and hit my hips and thighs in baggy jeans they say love was measured by trying [Music] a superhero [Music] anyone [Music] this night is full of love them in the light and shine it up time and time
again I'm sure oh yes I'm shut down I'm breaking down oh it don't make me cuz I can be a superhero [Music] than anyone else No
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