FiLMiC Pro + Zhiyun Smooth 4 Tutorial (iOS & Android)

In this tutorial I’m really excited to introduceyou to FiLMiC Pro’s best in class support for the Zhiyun Smooth 4 on both Android andiOS, which gives you
unprecedented control over your shooting experience directly fromthe gimbal, and is the most feature rich integration yet for FiLMiC Pro and certainly the mosttactile.Let’s start by familiarizing ourselves withthe control layout on the Smooth 4 which is split across four main areas.
Firstly starting at the base of the handlewe have the power button.
Hold this down for two second to turn on theSmooth 4.
Directly above this you have the functionswitch that lets you choose between using the gimbal in 'Pan Follow Mode', which willfollow your pans.
And 'Locked Mode' which will keep your gimbalin place no matter how you move it.
Next on the side of the device is the Handwheel, which controls your manual focus & zoom in FiLMiC Pro.
The center control panel features the thumbwheelwhich controls manual exposure when scrubbed, but can also be used as a clickable d-padand a center 'Mode Selector' button.
Immediately below this we have the manualfocus/zoom target button; the record start/stop button; and a quick lens selection button.
Above the thumbwheel is the 'Display' buttonwhich toggles your Live Analytics on and off, and the Menu/Back button can be used to exita menu.
And finally, on the back are two trigger buttons.
Holding down the bottom trigger takes youinto full follow mode – so it follows all your movements including tilt.
You can also double-click this to recenterthe gimbal.
And holding the top trigger will drasticallyincrease the responsiveness of movement, making it great for creating whip pan effects likethis.
Now we have the basic button layout out ofthe way, let’s dig into how to use it with FiLMiC Pro.
To start using your Smooth 4 with FiLMiC Pro, you’ll need to pair it with the app.
Start by making sure Bluetooth is enabledbut do not pair the Zhiyun under your system’s Bluetooth menu.
Just open FiLMiC Pro’s Settings > Hardwaremenu, and enable ‘Zhiyun Smooth 4’.
This will display any available Smooth 4 devices, and you can tap on yours to pair it.
You’ll will see an on-screen notificationat the top when the pairing has be successfully completed.
At the heart of FiLMiC Pro’s Smooth 4 integrationthere are three shooting modes, which can be cycled through by pressing the Mode Selectorin the center of the thumbwheel.
By default you’ll start in Mode 1: ReticleMode.
In FiLMiC Pro the square reticle is used toset focus, and the circular reticle will set your exposure, and this allows you to adjustthem independently of one another for complete control over your shot.
When the reticles are white it means thatthey are unlocked and will dynamically respond to any changes within each reticle.
Clicking left on the thumbwheel will lockthe exposure reticle – turning it red; and clicking right will lock your focus reticle.
This is really useful as often you’ll wantto eliminate unexpected focus and exposure fluctuations whilst recording.
Of course you can left click again on thethumbwheel to unlock the exposure, and right click again to unlock focus.
Whilst you can of course drag your reticlesaround the screen as per usual to set your focus and exposure, you’ll soon find thatjust re-positioning the gimbal so that the relevant reticle is positioned over your pointof interest, and pressing left to lock exposure; and right to lock it focus is super quickand easy too, and a great way to cut down finger smudges on your screen.
And if you want to lock and unlock both reticlesconcurrently with a single press, just press up on the thumbwheel.
If you press the centre mode button once, you’ll progress into Mode 2: Auto Mode.
In auto mode FiLMiC Pro will use its centreweighted auto focus and exposure reticles which are ideal for run and gun shooting, as well as vlogging with the rear camera.
You can also lock your exposure to preventfurther fluctuation by clicking left on the thumbwheel, and lock your focus by clickingright.
Remember that using mixed reticle states canbe incredibly useful as well.
For example a common use case is to lock yourexposure only, whilst leaving the full frame autofocus unlocked to do the focusing foryou.
If we press the Mode button again, we enterMode 3: Manual Mode.
This reveals both manual arcs and here youcan use the handwheel which by default will adjust your focus, and jog the thumbwheelto manually adjust your exposure.
The beauty of this system is that you canadjust both the focus and exposure at the same time.
You can also initiate pull to point focusand exposure moves in Manual Mode.
Simply set your pull points as per usual byusing the handwheel to set your starting focus point, then tap once on the arc to snap yourfirst pull point into position.
Next use the handwheel to set your secondfocus point, and tap the arc to snap your second pull point into position.
Now just click right on the Thumbwheel tomove between them.
The same applies in exactly the same way tothe exposure arc too.
The Mode Button makes it easy to progressthrough modes in a linear fashion, but what if you want to jump from Auto Mode back toreticle mode without progressing through mode 3? That is simple.
Just press and hold the Mode Button for 2seconds, which will reveal the Quick Mode Selector on screen.
You can then use the Thumbwheel to cycle tothe mode you want to jump to, and press the Mode Button once to confirm.
There may be times when you’ll be in reticleor auto mode, and want to make a quick manual override adjustment.
Thankfully FiLMiC Pro makes this easy.
To perform a manual focus override in eitherReticle or Auto mode, just turn the handwheel and it will reveal the manual focus arc, andyou’re away.
If you want to close an arc, and return toyour reticle, just click right once to dismiss it and revert to a locked focus reticle, andright click again to unlock it.
Same goes for exposure.
Just start to turn the thumbwheel to revealthe exposure arc, and manually adjust it.
To dismiss and return to your reticle, justleft click on the thumbwheel.
By default FiLMiC Pro uses the handwheel tomanually adjust focus in all three modes, however it can be used to control your zoomas well.
To select your adjustment target, press the'Target' button once to switch to Zoom Mode.
Now adjusting the handwheel will control yourzoom.
If you want to revert to having the handwheelcontrol focus, just press the Target button again.
Now probably one of the most useful featuresof the Zhiyun Smooth 4 in FiLMiC Pro is that it provides fast lens selection directly fromthe gimbal.
A single press of the lens selector buttonwill simply switch between front and rear cameras.
If you have a compatible dual lens devicesuch as the iPhone 7+, 8+ or X then a long press will reveal the multi-lens selector.
You can scroll using the thumbwheel to highlightyour lens of choice, and then press the mode button make the switch.
Well now that we’ve covered the core functionalitylet’s put this together in a real world example.
I’ll start by tap-holding the lens selector, and jump back to my wide lens.
Then I’ll press the Mode button to enterAuto Mode, and left click to lock my exposure, and I'm going to leave my focus unlocked.
Now I’m ready to hit record.
Now while recording I’m free to manuallymake any further adjustments.
And let's start with the handwheel becauseonce you feel how responsive this is for manual focus, you’ll want to use it all the time.
Now of course don’t forget that tappingthe display button will enable and disable live analytics, and when this is turned onyou get that beautiful responsive focus peaking to help ensure your shot is razor sharp.
I’ll right click on the thumbwheel to closethe focus arc, and now I can make fine tune adjustment to the exposure with the thumbwheel, and of course throughout this whole shot I’ve not needed to touch my screen once.
Let’s end the recording by hitting the recordbutton again.
And last but not least, we can open the FiLMiCLibrary by pressing down on the thumbwheel, ready to review our clip.
Alright I hope you enjoyed this tutorial andit enables you to get the most out of FiLMiC Pro’s incredible support for the ZhiyunSmooth 4.
Remember to like and subscribe and let meknow what you think in the comments below.
And as always I'd like to thank you very muchfor watching.
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