hi I'm ash and this is jumping to conclusions a CD spare I pick a game I've never played before I play the first level and then I guess what happens next I then play
the last label to see if my prediction was right and then decide if it's
something I'd actually want to play and today I'm jumping to the conclusion of South Park [Music] so Parc entered the gaming universe in 1988 as a first-person shooter for the Nintendo 64 it was released during the second season of the show which means there must have been a
huge demand for southpark at the time there was a gameboy color release in the works but apparently the creators of South Park Matt Stone and Trey Parker we're concerned that the Gameboy was aimed at younger children and this game would not be appropriate good call it's set to
follow the TV show sense of humor which as we all know pushes the Bentley's of outrage and nonsense so with that I'm gonna play the first and last label of the game and see if I can protect the rest from the deep reaches of space a horror approaches
once in a great while the malevolent forces of a universe combined to form a force of evil though concentrated so pure that no bastion of goodness and decency can stand against it it hurls through the universe toward its destination the planet Earth the town to be victimized South
Park Colorado a quaint little town nestled in the peaks of the Rocky Mountains where better to terrorize good and decent folk okay oh I get to pick my character there's part of me that wants to pick Stan because I want to increase my chances of seeing Randy Marsh
he's one of the best characters ever written but I'm gonna go with Cartman because he's a spoiled brat who gets away with everything and that's the kind of energy I need to get me through the end of the world hey Jack need a pen again I need to
grab my friends and go to the fair dude God what's going on so in these snow balls are such an effort like I don't know if my aim is impacted by being Cartman or if it's just the game the turkeys are everywhere and they're relentless don't worry this
overweight eight-year-old will save you I'm being punished left right and center Turkey's turkeys everywhere I'm gonna be heating this in my nightmares normally the expletive Sun so for the top type of situation but right now I'm really in the same main set it's Cartman I really hate these
turkeys I love cheesy poof's oh there's a little house here and it has dodge boss surely the turkeys won't bang in here come on big gentle bear panic deadly turkeys where did they spawn from that's why I came from it can only move one step at a time
for fear that they'll come for me oh thank god the first-level had nothing to do with meteor or did did the cosmos changed the mood and motivation of the turkeys I think that in the last level I'll have to stop the meteor from hitting Earth maybe it's a
Thanksgiving comet that's going to obliterate America unless all the turkeys are roasted no pardoning this year maybe the comet creates a fire that all the turkeys can be roasted on regardless I really hope Cartman's aim improves okay I'm in a toy shop there's no turkeys anymore never have
evil toys to contend with which are worse because the tanks in particular can shoot at you and they do a lot of damage Cartman doesn't seem to be any answer aiming I actually think this works I really have to try to get these snowballs to hit it feels
like this is the final boss which is a bit underwhelming and stale but a very rainy and difficulty it's worth noting that you don't die in this game you just get so angry that you give up which is entirely relatable I just can't help feeling that for an
end level there's not much skill a variety involved okay I've managed to corner the boss and the dolls that vomit are over somewhere else ignoring our battle I don't know how I managed to do that but it's really helping Hey Wow the thing is my aim is too
sensitive so when I talk to my rocket beers way of Lee and constantly moving and it makes for this big huge issing naughty shaky-cam experience and I've been doing this for a bit for Hannah okay the boss is dead and I've killed the vomit dolls so is it
over another boss really I'm beginning to think the creators of South Park or offered to make a game for the TV show and seize the opportunity to practice online by giving them this monstrosity their diagram when they designed this game was a circle in the middle that said
what's the most annoying thing we can do and then just branched out from there I mean is this really all Cartman can do oh hold the cheesy poof's I can change Paris in this makes it interesting and I have been weapons this is honestly just poopy Dima equates
significantly I mean it's so frustrating but at least it's not as bland as I thought it was right this looks like the very final box [Music] [Music] well I don't feel like any of the story from the beginning was wrapped up at the end so let's find out
what really happened misty vyas comet is traveling through space according to shafter battling through some creased turkeys Cartman kale Stan and Kenny pop by shapes heights chef tells them voice navigate through caves defeating hordes of turkeys until they finally reached the source a giant turkey the boys antagonized
the turkey by firing plungers at a target on the turkeys anus nice the boys follow the turkey family defeating it and then eats it for dinner okay so I wasn't totally wrong still the next day chef tells the boys the streets are inundated with oversized clones at the
Museum the boys discover an evil clone blob woof and defeat it in the parking lot the next dance skill chef tells the boys he has seen aliens over South Park the boys find the mothership and the mountains of surrounding South Park okay they've accomplished quite a lot now
and I'm still unclear about how they end up in a toy store the next and skill chef informs the boys that they have a bigger problem there as the destruction of the mothership has caused some strange Seesmic system I can see it seismic signals Stan exclaims I feel
you Stan the boys may find themselves battling robots with TVs for heads the boys defeat the robots however chef tells them that the comet is due to pass by South Park tonight Cartman guesses that no you'll have to defeat killer toys his guess is correct that suggests to
me that even begin creators were sick of this game eventually they arrived at the toy store to battle a giant transformer style toy the boys defeat the toy and life goes back to normal and safe park so my prediction of them eating the turkeys for Thanksgiving was actually
pretty accurate if only the game had ended there instead it kept going and going and going for me it was too much of the same thing maybe at the time it was more fun but I don't see myself playing the rest of it sorry save part I'm just
ready to play something else [Music]
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