আন্তর্জাতিক খবর Today 2 May 2020 । BBC আন্তর্জাতিক সংবাদ । antrojatik sambad বিশ্ব সংবাদ bangla news

[Music] asslamu alaikum Shibata donnici BBC interjection body from Baroda taxation but sharanam gentleman city Ladakh Iran shoulder Adela be sure
specialist an Iraqi is air borrow ham la Warr Kamisha bottle a sheet Antonio says Saudi para shabu-shabu evil omen chaga remark in behind Europe another drag by IranKoren idly showed addiction ah ah canto Syria Israeli rocket Hamlin Neha 13 genre she's Anita Bob Haro take cornice oh dear poor person addressed oblique jama at bullshit Jogi gentleman city Ladakh a long shot Julie Denesha Shaastra Shastras eggdicator anima homily today near Paco Patito quorum he devoted
sufficient stability on the Cape elicited moderate senior man TT labaki Durov allahu Thunder website a Cheney remove a deck had a chilidog a kisser dong ho chi minh city london character on shots in iran Shirley Sherrod a card that say about the Mukesh media on the wrong deeds
in he tokura hurts a Alito Kashmir calendar Kuryakin oh hi into a protein bar condiments it a Kashmir ki Alain de rigueur Ladakhi Alondra near the sheer back young jockey Alan Draghi sin he tokura who sa t name hotel proctor rush to dude Gautam bumble Evelyn raster honking
new mini oMFG honey Kashmir ki Baraat song sohee shabby – oh no honey una coke incident agates in a bordello a widow orang asal prodigy song shots in a nice edible Adamic or a tacky oh my job a lot on TV or on a solid base its own
show joke or a nice 18 s KF nummy action stano tone a update a map to Nicolas a janitor Beijing air national surveying and mapping geographic information bureau Toto Adani a map Terry hi Shampoo tada since she is committed not on map that the red cent not on
international border are shaken its energy Montalban generates a Arunachal Pradesh British maratton anxious hilo orang asal pradesh for a Mac Mahon line Tony Hoare Portagee orang asal Anishinaabe partnership a policy to high porosity bottle mass hero Eli into any color high enter the important or issue related to
the economy happy Prakash Costello is k-map in for tickets in a stronger national show someone who is akin to a shop update got a high-knee mapping it okay I yes sir borrow Hamlet you know ken Jeong GIGO she is a born Turner Hamlet Elias a chakra Baraka made
the steel Saladin producer Shia militia bhai need hushed a shabby opera ham la sal i iose Iraqi rush to wrong Batman Tamir Burundi a catalytic gone omentum al-jazeera show anybody cover prakash gonna say cover below hashish October Iraqi Mickey show her show her a biscotti front a hash
table is 72 mph uncle Charlie it a hostile comp ok so I don't even say toby is circuited Anejo to hit a dodge on a tiny – a partially is a potent Informer has handed back the de route to reproduce today shops aboard her near Hamlin salad junkie
Jean warranty what we Shabbat elation Antonius a Saudi Mohammed coroner prohibition colleague had to work Misha battle ancient Antonius a Saudi Arabic our fall my Abajo home kitty party that's a Bangladeshi jean-jacques tear up Tony under that agreement solid soul bond ho Tucker Carney stamp her a shrub
or Kamisha battle Qaddafi parodied Antonius a Muslim a desti carnival circle a mahdarah details from winter dish so the elevate they'll be able moon la comida y so did or treaty pre-easter will happily say every CDT martial art rhetoric take a passport stamp hora private cut the short
run air war Commission battle : in chief he wrote the horrible incursion and SSO the shortcut ret Bangladesh take a pry lock and he called me so details our honesty traverse a judo today bottom Onodera corner to attend today be sure hockey Susan any soda sure got a
carotid Solomon Felicity Obama shot near shankara Hadid since prophecy Bangladeshi their money Pasha Pasha horrible omen shower a mark in bikini Rafa Nadal agrarian Islamic diploma guard Mohini ba IR this year nobody need front and rear admiral a leader tongue City bulletin Rajesh Khattar Cucaracha to Iran Imahara
Alec I'm marking behind it okay for a powerful shock or a shampoo Takata nah gonna say IRGC no bhai near marking jajaja day mejor que hora Nikolas Emily Pentagon a sham protic oh he's okay Kim Dockery ekata Danielson tini tini Arizonan partial Pasha gory bong Oman chaga remark
in by any rope or no drug baron teenage Annan I RDC nobody near poor BOGO sheet Oprah Chacon Alec I mark in behind her Takayama Luke a belated a key or will imbue Eastern tech for a leader hi Daniela Valen parish Oh Oh Pasha gory Iran neither car
he shall be Monica Rabin even a coca-cola Zhanna China teeny are a volunteer on air ODI career proteome orthodontic II in animal track the husband okay mark inna da ba da da ba o pokel until Easter menorah for deorbit a kikunoi IR DC mini novena quagmire giggidy no
acti coronal equality knee shisha mahjong you are over me retracted the Haskell Okakura Hamrlik on its Lamarck in ik dude throw their hats a Gordon Idaho – hello pirata tui na meek Admiral Tung shitty ballin no potato la la I in marquise need a banana shake on a
gigantic Russia Hanukkah no marquise neither can a market in the Shamrock Maharaj solitaire Hawaii prostitute Olin tini tini era voluntour Chaka Chaka Rico shall go to Pawnee protein is there a window for city key i near up there Lockheed Washington they had a little bit a meeting oh
he's of course a Admiral Tung shitty zero turns from game mark in a dog knockos holiday bash a machine er Valen Paresh Rawal favorable omen saga remark in dodo Martin Behaim a rope or nozzle daddy Abajo to talk about a reggae Goll Goll fahisha be a Kaito Cromartie
know he's okay bono nanako's colonies a ir z see it again marking president donald trump irani nova he needed speed board mejor que dar Bahuguna karate token are needed an esuite vertical diarrea shaky napa a need a ship or on a key she personal to let's say the
way turn em only dishes over go to something I are DC proton measured general Hussein salami Balan Attorney Jonathan Kahala Cora Holly irani behind Chandra she marking behind Akita del autobús tutor for another curb a coronet deletion addiction a canto murdered lazarey deleted coroner harris a clinician kappa
results a deleted Hamrick Mohini see RPF extra by shot especially the coroner Harris Shana Tova say delete more Bihari Mota and CRP a period three she battalion aid extra bio on pollination cometo Jose econo actions oh uh near corner for a curveball a shabak in USA but they're
gonna madam in the DVD Hindu website a Hindi yesterday a total general Jose core American ago – R – a real CRP in Fela Kuti schibetta leonid egghead John Moraga see a key battalion airport Alicia's on Joe one got a sub take Iran Iraq Iran to her insulin
the Shanghai connection by she possess a frittata apodaca visible Washington Duke Ito shanks list of Italian key quarantine chakra by ki Poneke Agora Jose go to our – ability Mouton taka CRP in her pants on over server she Oppo peridot shock delay so for dong Rose Hospital a
marathon she di Israeli rocket Hamlin Jota teen in hoody buddy Israel earthquake the helicopter gunship take a Sharia documents only biscotti rocket ham la solana Jose 18 John Besh America locally hotel Bombay squawk John a jato Jose Syria osteopetrosis on Ashok revoir a cobble DJ Buttershaw star Johnny
Oh taquito Ghulam Muhammad occur sticky Israeli helicopter gunship shop Amla Sally Thomas trailer Daniel says Sharia dokin and silly Hizbullah Boustany inside onto to pasta docket Hamlet Sally it's a CD album inside the pocket Monte gonna bottoms a nice a ham like her Cody would say she –
her credibility Oh grow buddy – up front so he goes to showing certain salads it a little or I could say Hizbollah filet Israeli a ham lucky shaundra she did but Senhora do Cabo Lebovitz una cara jose she – Tioga no Madame Israel ham lion Toto teens on
the shimmery cloak new hood the whole cottage chic are gonna say Peru Sakura nursery a poor person addressed Tablighi Jamaat bullshit Jogi Berta Corona and total procopius animal Quran Tablighi Jamaat Emily Monica renew topo – a mocha Monte yogi Anita not Dharma – a coroner aut likto Procope
at sea agates Alona kintu Tablighi Jamaat ray moon carrier hashiba cornichon come on soon eh a voter – a Subaru come on – Bolin Tablighi Zara coach 8r nindo neo even have a go at the sheer monoski the rocky Bobby before the moon alt / a prostitue listen
edita not todavía habitable Iggy – uncle naturally Bharat logged on a pot home the high forest it is Hamlet a part oh and in a stock in the action at karaoke and it – not Dhabi Tablighi Jamaat Ray J cos cos theta opera – Amal Danny Castillo cheat
Oh – Rhonda Shear a younger generation great doctor Dean has a domino sure I'd say and therefore take care key of Ostra in the tickets on come on erotic in otaku Janina pro forgotten is amudhan market the tableegh dominated her be honest annotation be they shall be window
pronto take a manoosh geometric Ceylon a Gordon operation can take a menage women apprentice Sudhir policy Shasta mantra bullets a party akan roti sardine a corner concession cardigan hood see an earpiece and abiram Haqqanis a Tablighi Jamaat ear
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