আন্তর্জাতিক খবর Today 30 April 2020 BBC আন্তর্জাতিক সংবাদ antrojatik sambad বিশ্ব সংবাদ bangla news

[Music] asslamu alaikum Shibata donnici BBC interjection body from Baroda taxation but sharanam solji Parham la paz especial for sir commandeer me today
or shorted apparel quarantine is on emerges citadel of her muslim la very alert romper boorish otro Narendra Modi key unfollow Colo white house zinc it's a varactor mark insurance tablet be call pogon table Ohio debts he borrowed Myanmar a brahmana whatever interpret course a sharp Ishida need about karana monetary me trouble lemon normal put the her Korean big Anna Hans ou-tulsa Parham La Paz is special for sir commandeer me today or Shasti de perro de Mukesh mission Monteagle abortion course a Pakistan Marty booty Rock'em internal air mocha bastard uneaten food permaculture passed and I got Shaffer Oconee sector in the unturned a kebab or Hamlet shall I pack Shannara issue my Pakistan Burma Hollis or arnesto among police did he take his suit or shows the despotism holiday put it acaba Heaney so drag nested Pasha Pasha mortars alone Sola who had similar protocol comic of attorney she'd call it a Pakistan kids above the Deborah torsional protag had correct shall rush cover oh no they do for K Modi goola goola Dulce Tommy hotel Hotel Cobra Kanani go to workshop Turkish miss human the autism assist ago at solids a Pakistani Shannara multi-window gonna want Amitabh you know share a party Park Ahmad first row gyeonggi-do O'Connell for occult interaction Adair shampoo tea of hidden enemy morale guilty party opening special for surpass commando are a colleague in Sudan facility for a party of protein acaba Heaney quarantine engine emerge it's a Dillon Panther Muslim Allah Mohammed II coroner brutal or shamrock lockdown elk are an emoji dengue and namaz para Bonzo say Corran uppity Rajesh Hamal who ate a chicken correctly mojiko typical day steer songbird madam Indian Express generation posh simone choule adagio maharashtra punish our Air Act emoji decora intern center row Panther Cora who sa Coronado Videl tickets I sent a TIA Kanpur of repro stood Indian Express orogeny as emoji their total official vulgar a quarantine Center teeth to decay la voce cornea quanto ashes on shaken attractive Arvind Terrano Hadar Borgo furthermore GT Bihar courtesan coroner brutal awry court a a be sure Maharashtra cosmopolitan and educational societies chairman PE in Ahmedabad on Kota fakira no mutiny I'm like honey Karuna raghida Journal Sentinel biased accuracy I'm not the soccer KJ to Cooper ish haha joke all the time Mooji the hit – light Troy late bitch shabbiha say ty coroner raghida shaken attract econo Auto V Danny do a simple attack put him in the novelization pro team party is Lambie dish near pro tour al Osuna Jose table girls from Milan take a corner Sarah north port from Callao goon from Prada condition a chorus a magic mud Tommy protonates or two let's say I can show em on police TT tape or emoji doctor distant his tap on : the decay hae – Jota buddy or no Mon deed Maajid get gigolo all the course unpredictably koteshwara Palazzo ah JA no rock to do Alison is a barrier ello trample Barroso true America qur'anic run to a bomb meet this from cabaret Chelsea remote temperature below devotional Corazon marking President Donald Trump the way a moment a coronet Iraq Madrazo to annoy marking from Batman tomorrow on shokyo show – vukuvich in hint o : Santini Camuto a shock education Batman – marry Frankie trample Dorota told a soul Tishchenko dear or bejita arrow-debreu vegetable amanakara Jose Shampoo the White House a shank body Kabuto gay Martin president Akram to the charade a gibberish oak injection cutter katha pollitt Ceylon the prohibition about montage evolution Authority irrigate Karuna barosky Marty who reads or allo allo pravesh coroner kaat has a nice Lentini Tonia Tonia Shang Batman tumor shrunk Adobe THC low heap elicited the trumpet dr.
Reiter of a somber White House a poor gogo Shoto Shang Maddock boy ho GAE awesome guys to get soccer kata Jean oh hello dodo sheesh whatever roberto cavalli horsemen Acorah hi the way were marking president there bhaktapur be shadows to agra take a journey there hello trampled Briscoe see Gallic McKinley to it collation whatever bhumika chawla Watson a collation changhua dr.
Bertram food Dakota Dakota she that are a Catholic Twitter tickets pastor a to eat in Ely concern Bush Bob or John or gonna show true I'm a did they said eating a shaken car change Johno show to Havana media coconut Solana Narendra Modi can follow Colo white house party pro tournament in Narendra Modi about Donald Trump air bonded to an togetic Mahalo sharpening duelist Anita from poor querido Tanika no post no added in Solana Arab Naruto America Kubota a sharp addition por que uno de Jose volley Davi Cora hi Quinto karate generation per quart Sandow potent hollow potent Monty Narendra Modi Kate Twitter a unfollow Corey de la Marck in president a short curry by Robin white house Modi big ticket or Twitter handle especially sheepherder pradhan mantri dr.
evil Rashtrapati dr.
Schwab powder Shange Chomper Gaeta more pasta to the record and follow connoisseur marking president a shark Arriba Robin I said derbyshire hello shop the ho Teaneck a game hunter pradhan mantri narendra modi rush to poutine I'm not coming the shaho AE Posse Twitter handle hallo Cora furugori White House toronja White House ashore carry Twitter handle a polar from Castle Oh EKU's point pass million among White House they'll follow Silla Jewish junkie she original motor saw John Key and follow cola marking president the handle Gullu unfollow gotta watch a the road to Washington authority do tabash even parity America do table should say about the White House a follower – Wonka by million among marking president shortcut bar Havana polo court say that wasn't care cocktail you have a Emmonak Dean a quadratic hot loads it into mush had a notice from Toronto marking Commission part a muscleman did home your shoddy not any good Nick Prakash Colette's a mogul Burton attorney rick a bish connect an immediate cm togetic community from Toronto marking Commission T America shark Erica cetera super escalated at a park in Italy stove away from Hajduk to digitally garage ahoy italic a Pakistani bow motor Korea senior motto so dirty – already they can put it in from Colorado for okoto auditor Cora Jose at at a quadratic Mahalo dolphin Auto Becky Haruto marking from pork adobo naughty Jose this is Dina gay hydrokleen near do the Shimoda bitch connector sapa new torch all say Everhart a team have a modicum hollow-core arcana two Coronas he shoots off wrong but protein gene kids effective marking shows tabular be called fog on top of a Odette Sahara Karuna Muhammad Jarrett's intake a patella Guti vinegar be hot rock on tabu isha web heart commencing in south america a addiction austin a big ol pop oracle finish high road say America's from sister horrible hog arrow go to South America be – montreux Kieran Shange she – she'll be hot be no Constabulary boys hockey a be shy mr.
little us on a high second American Chamber of Commerce sir King horik Putin it heats in take a brief racketeer because gonto Belgium Harlem to Latin America by desmond trucker's maharaja thomas mazda oh boy ho Kyung soo brown candy potent inhibitor can see pollen bottom any policy digits in the auto statistical a sedative in yoga Oh local professional support a coffee grip hot vinegar anata mo catch a porno – Jota Polly Myanmar a brahmana Whataburger fought coach a dietitian Hermann Oberth he got boishakh Bushido shutter quality Burlison dracania Borromean machine a bikini mana boot ability of course a teeny enthusiatic shampoo they gave me and marshana bhai narrow nishang shot a bond hypocapnia joven sanyasin that Madonna may policy to me enumeration imagine Eric I know Tina Jay Boudreau he did ability raha one but Tanqueray shrunken goober stability of hidden solid sevillio current wishes dude young-hee Lee boudoir acquitted it in Berlin that Madonna Bobby enthusiatic ma nobec I know MA nobody can read a cabaret malignity Lankan coach a dothraki not syndra derbyshire eggnog the beauty of hidden salah che guevara Domino bootable Brad Hawpe are a sham protic marvel edition of AHA oh boy – Shankar Oh beachie not a body doll are akan alma mater shankazute ibrahim needs a corner brother hovercar oniy if relatability Roshan Anderson Eric on Armijo duty Giancarlo who shortest Oh 14 division a bikini agent ability boat action correlation in Agra peda finish our career shanty tutti Lankan : see know Al Jazeera on lines and in singsong had four port a port on two o'clock shuttle no hundred mushy mushy pasta – too high even hotter Shekhar highway has a Nereo issue the other shot Rosalie Iraqi nice you know with an emoji prana Buster shot lucky machine no Hingham musulman Bangladeshi Pagliacci that is angle Roberto Myanmar a rainy song so tacky SATA cotton in hanbok Lea cadets in young-hee lead a nation like I not seen that Deborah character Alec I Beaman ogala ham la salida Myanmar China Wahine it the people from cock drop Tabasco or Shoshone Jota Watson Eric on our mission assurance estoppel the dinner for Dean our token eachother karate school barrio both home undergo low pulley the Hudson a monkey actogram earshot robe are either lead or hedge Connemara shatori meet abominable prota her korean bullshit began Hanzo Japanese novel proscar be they began II on topic tasaku Hanzo bulletin novel coronavirus bracketing issue annoy a terminal fire hottie Tottie Tina Berlin star a bhakta book on O'Connell Dean Karuna : shot top ramen into hobby Jody meet a prominent Idaho little noble prophet taharka Rainier hobby yet I cannot afford any media attention predict the action cut Cardini eighth Chancellor koto totalitarian professor han javelin novel coronavirus is the deep rackety tikki are Stata Holly shall be sure a kiss away a giveaway a virus Dora Aquaman ho Donna Karan bracketed code happy with sonically a Hawaii pizza baby we know the heat up matzah aikidoka monoi vestido deep ricotta Quijote Holly Gennaro Hana top Matranga shaman – Apollo on solve latte a virus probably stir quarto autosave Hannah's Switzer learner motto – kids everywhere Roman called ascetic a giveaway Mauro on to the disk Alutiiq Roman chorus a Jetta brackety hoto Ta'ala should who hit proton on soleil sur La Table justo on Sol glooty day even a steamer editor professor Han javelin army I mean given up Rony a bomb Paris nice solid result Oracle's corty cocoa Nevada said 'man broke et la coca Nene it apricot ignite it a monetary able from Pune rupee artificial control enemies are both shorty near Ohana laboratory takers Coliseum laboratory puta t starfish from grammar police watch a corner Muhammad Surya pure parameter – frangipani barber allah allat sonic or assess accuracy in toccata teen master a laboratory shop gulo telephone line bond hibachi at my birthday party laboratory Kuno technician E as GB Tony professor Hanzo Valen ethical person token economy gob go toward oncology Hatake autonomy freedom hotness it Coralville t / e con la vida sprocket economy Hanoi Etta bad Ortega roshini cheen eve harris-teeter ecology professor hans appreciation sorry dear Balin I mean jitta bullets he cheated the Demeter probably too high a monkey amar mr.
Poirot Judea coated amid a poem on it too high the Holly shark our general Amano Valera Scotty put the Hulk or deny a michiochi cardiod Alam I mean I borrow will si Jin mean travel save on a quarter show today again protector consider prominent Oh hooray.
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